Good OKR vs Bad OKR
OKR can be used in any industry, but here are a some detailed examples of bad and good OKRs just for the engineers.
Bad OKR Examples:
1. Objective: Test new vendor software release for bug fix
KR: Software release tested.
2. Objective: Respond to new tickets within stated SLA
KR: Most ticket responses met SLA.
3. Objective: Albatross tool automation development work
KR: Evolve and refine the procedures and tools for Albatross.
4. Objective: Clean router air filters
KR: Air filters vacuumed
Good OKR Examples:
1. Objective: Implement fix for critical bug that turn bits blue
KR: Create and document test plan; [Doc link here].
KR: Execute test plan and document test results; [Doc link here].
KR: Plan rollout of new software; plan here.
KR: Create MOP for software rollout; MOP link here.
KR: Rollout new software to FOA sites; PCR link here.
KR: Rollout new software to all production sites; Status tracking report here.
2. Objective: Respond to new tickets within 5 minute SLA for urgent priority tickets to minimize customer impact.
KR: 147 tickets received this quarter with 139 (95%) addressed within 5 minutes. See report at < link >.
3. Objective: Add new vendor xyz to Albatross data collection tool to identify initial configuration errors.
KR: Automation requirements collected from cross-functional team; document here.
KR: Code written to implement new vendor data collection; CL here.
KR: Dashboard presentation and alerting mechanism implemented; CL here.
KR: Identified errors assigned to engineer for resolution; Ticket summary here.
4. Objective: Perform preventative maintenance cleaning of router air filters annually.
KR: Air filter cleaning schedule published; plan link here.
KR: 25% of air filters checked and cleaned this quarter; Work tracking results link here.
KR: Pine air freshener added to each site cleaned; Tracking results here.